COVID-19 Response in 2020

Build Africa Kenya (BAK), with its partner Street Child-UK (SCUK) managed to raise GBP 5,000 towards COVID-19 interventions in Bondeni Slums in Nakuru County during the onset of the pandemic. Bondeni has a population of over 500,000 people, mostly involved in informal small businesses.

During onset of Covid-19 Pandemic, children, especially girls, were worst hit by the consequences. Parents lost jobs and livelihoods, and some could not afford basic needs, including sanitary wear for girls which made them vulnerable to exploitative and sex predators.

BAK also repurposed a total of GBP 5,000 towards the response initiative. A total of GBP 10,000 enabled BAK and SCUK to respond to 150 Households in Bondeni slum Nakuru with provision of food packages lasting each of the families about a month. This benefitted approximately 750 persons in total.

Those targeted were persons who recently lost jobs and are breadwinners in their families, persons living with disability, elderly persons, unemployed single mothers, children living with grandparents, persons living with conditions such as HIV/AIDs and other life-threatening conditions.

They were identified through the Community Health Volunteers (CHVs), community leaders as well as local administration. 250 girls from Bondeni slum benefitted from sanitary towels which would last each girl 6 months. Menstrual Health and Hygiene training were also conducted for the girls. Moreover, a total of 150 pupils benefitted learning materials to enable them undertake home learning supported by their parents. Persons under threat of SGBV were identified and linked up with relevant protection agencies including government departments.

To support the work BAK and its partners do, you may choose to become a regular giver in the following categories.

Platinum Member

Giving a lumpsum donation of USD 13,000 annually and over enables you to be recognized in BAK visibility materials, your website link hosted on our website including a logo of your company/agency and your company/entity having special mention during our events. The amount can construct a classroom and equip it with desks. A plague in the honour of the donor will he hosted at the infrastructure.

Gold Member
Silver Member
Bronze Member

How you can Donate

All these categories will have special mention in our Annual Build Africa Kenya Magazine to be launched in May 2021.

You may also check the MoneyBuys Section which gives you details of what your contribution will enable a child in Kenya to access as they seek an education.

To support our work, kindly Donate to:

Safaricom Paybill No: ............

Account No:. …………….

Support and Impact from BAK’s work over the years

  1. Improved access and safety of children through the construction of 123 classrooms
  2. Improved hygiene and sanitation in supported schools through construction of 174 toilets
  3. Improved WASH in schools through provision of 49*10,000 liters water tanks reducing incidences of communicable diseases in supported school.
  4. Improved dignity and hygiene for girls through provision of sanitary towels and menstrual health training removing barriers for girls from marginalized communities’ to enable them access education.
  5. Improved school management through training of 1,060 school management board members on developing plans, resource mobilization, prioritizing and lobbying stakeholders including government.
  6. 33,785 pupils reached – 26020 KGP/ USAWA/ HESHIMA, 9618 Gilgil and Machakos, 147 ECD 988 Farmers as direct beneficiaries.
  7. Improved financial access among farmers from 13% to 85% in 5 years period.
  8. Improved household economic status of 70% of beneficiary farmers
  9. Increased farmers linkages with government services
  10. Improved farm and produce management through CBOs
  11. Supported 48 unstructured groups to form 10 registered CBOs with bank accounts, governance structures and commercialized enterprises.


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